Revamping Your Math Curriculum: Strategies for the First Weeks of School

Revamping Your Math Curriculum: Strategies for the First Weeks of School

18 July 2023 / by Crystal Brown

“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.” – Paul Halmos

As educators, we can’t help but agree with this famous quote. However, the how of doing mathematics can sometimes be as challenging as the math itself, especially when we’re talking about young learners. That’s why we’re here to share a few impactful strategies to successfully kick off the new school year and help you revamp your math curriculum.

1. Assess Your Students’ Needs

The first few weeks of school are a crucial time for educational assessments. Start your school year by determining where each student is in their mathematical understanding. You can use formal testing or informal observations, but the goal is to understand their starting point.

  • Conduct an Initial Assessment: Consider using an engaging tool like Kahoot! to make your initial assessments fun and engaging.
  • Adapt to Individual Needs: Some students may need reinforcement in basic math concepts, while others may be ready to tackle more complex problems. Cater your lesson plans to meet these different needs.

2. Interactive Math Activities

Bring math to life with interactive activities. Encourage hands-on learning with puzzles, games, or experiments that allow students to experience math concepts in a tangible way.

  • Incorporate Math Games: Use popular math games like Prodigy to make learning math fun and interactive.
  • Apply Math to Real-World Scenarios: Simple activities, like planning a pretend grocery trip, can help students understand the practical use of math.

3. Incorporate Technology

Technology is a powerful tool in modern education, especially in math instruction. There are numerous educational apps that can help students grasp math concepts.

  • Use Digital Tools: Apps like IXL provide a wide range of math problems for all grade levels.
  • Flipped Classroom Model: By utilizing video tutorials (like Khan Academy), students can learn at their own pace at home and practice the concepts in the classroom.

4. Foster a Positive Math Mindset

Perhaps the most critical strategy to implement is fostering a positive math mindset. Emphasize that making mistakes is part of learning and that effort is more important than getting the “right” answer.

  • Use Growth Mindset Language: Encourage students with phrases like “You’re not there yet”, which suggests that improvement is possible.
  • Celebrate Progress: No matter how small, celebrating progress can boost students’ confidence and motivation in math.


Revamping your math curriculum for the first weeks of school doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor. By assessing your students’ needs, introducing interactive activities, incorporating technology, and fostering a positive math mindset, you’ll set your students up for a successful school year full of mathematical exploration and growth.

And remember, the key to successful math instruction is flexibility and creativity. Keep exploring different strategies and resources, and don’t forget to join our newsletter for more tips and updates on making math fun and engaging for your students.

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