Back to School: 5 Math Puzzles That Challenge You

Back to School: 5 Math Puzzles That Challenge You

21 July 2023 / by Crystal Brown

School bells are ringing and it’s time to head back to school! While the year is still fresh and our minds are primed for learning, let’s flex those mathematical muscles and tackle some entertaining yet challenging math puzzles. From the classic conundrums that have stood the test of time to the modern riddles, we’ve gathered a selection of puzzles that will not only engage your mind but also boost your math skills.

The Infamous Monty Hall Problem

Let’s dive right into the deep end with a notorious probability puzzle, the Monty Hall Problem. This one gets its name from the popular game show host, Monty Hall. Here’s how it goes:

  • You’re on a game show and there are three doors. Behind one door is a car, and behind the other two are goats. You pick a door, let’s say Door 1.
  • Monty, who knows what’s behind each door, opens another door, say Door 3, revealing a goat.
  • Now, you have a choice: stick with your original choice (Door 1) or switch to the unopened door (Door 2). What should you do to maximize your chances of winning the car?

Ponder over this for a while and remember, probability isn’t always intuitive!

The Paradoxical Barber

The second on our list is a classic logic puzzle, originally articulated by the famous logician and philosopher, Bertrand Russell. Here’s the scenario:

  • In a certain town, there is a barber who is the only barber in town.
  • The barber shaves everyone who does not shave themselves.
  • So, the question is, does the barber shave himself?

This one will surely make you think twice!

The Impossible Puzzle – “Cheryl’s Birthday”

Next, we have a recent puzzle that took the internet by storm, “Cheryl’s Birthday”. This seemingly simple problem originated from a mathematics olympiad and quickly became a viral sensation for its perplexing solution:

  • Cheryl tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and the day of her birthday respectively.
  • Cheryl then gives them a list of 10 possible dates. May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, July 14, July 16, August 14, August 15, and August 17.
  • She then tells Albert that he knows she didn’t give Bernard the number 18, and Albert confirms he knows when Cheryl’s birthday is.
  • Bernard now knows when Cheryl’s birthday is, too. When is Cheryl’s birthday?

Feel free to have a go at this puzzle. Hint: It requires more than just basic arithmetic.

The Bridge and Torch Problem

We now move on to an exciting puzzle which requires a touch of strategic thinking, the Bridge and Torch Problem:

  • Four people come to a river in the night. There’s a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time.
  • They have one torch and, because it’s night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. The person with the torch must always return with the torch.
  • The four people walk at different speeds. Person A needs 1 minute to cross the bridge, B needs 2 minutes, C needs 5 minutes, and D needs 8 minutes.
  • When two people cross the bridge together, they must move at the slower person’s pace.
  • The question is, can they all get across the bridge in 15 minutes or less?

Time to strategize!

The Missing Dollar Riddle

Finally, we arrive at a classic riddle which will challenge your understanding of numbers, The Missing Dollar Riddle:

  • Three people check into a hotel room that costs $30. They each contribute $10 and head to their room.
  • Later, the hotel clerk realizes the room only costs $25 and gives $5 to the bellboy to return to the guests.
  • The bellboy, unable to divide $5 evenly, decides to give each guest $1 and keep $2 for himself.
  • So, each guest paid $9 (totaling $27), and the bellboy kept $2. That adds up to $29. Where is the missing dollar?

This riddle will challenge your understanding of numbers in a fun way!

Puzzles like these have been known to sharpen mathematical skills and enhance problem-solving abilities. They can also be a great break from your traditional math homework. So, dive right in and give your mind a rigorous workout. Can you solve them all?

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